It depends on your exchange request: We will also email when your exchange order is processed.
- If you are exchanging for the same item but a different size and If the item is available and in stock, your order is usually exchanged within 7-10 business days after it is received by our warehouse. If you are exchanging for another item, it can take up to 7-10Business day to process your exchange and have it shipped out to you. If you exchange for an item or size that is of higher price or lower price your order needs to be adjusted accordingly to what you are exchanging for.
- If you are returning item(s) for a refund and at the same time exchanging item(s) for a different size or different item, it can take up 7-10 business days to have your order adjusted accordingly, this means to refund the items returned and to send out the items exchanged.
- Please make sure to include the necessary information, Invoice or Order #, Billing First & Last Name, Email address and also detailed instructions to what you would like for us to do with your order. If you do not include this information, we will not be able to process your exchange or refund.